1980, the Data Image Group has provided state of the art document
and data conversion services . Our area of expertise includes
document and information management, document storage, retrieval
and distribution, records management and document destruction.
Our image capture facility is staffed with experienced highly
skilled technicians. Our clients include government, manufacturing,
education, hospitals, banks, utilities and the legal industry.
We provide the following out-sourcing services to the Mid-Atlantic
Replace paper files in your office with perfectly organized, instantly
accessible electronic images. We can create digital images from most
any type paper document from check size to computer output. After
data entry or OCR processing, your documents can be uploaded in to
PaperVision retrieval software or we have the ability to output to
most major electronic management systems.
We can provide digital images for upload into most existing electronic
document management sytems or the standard group4 tif format. Microfilm
formats that can be scanned include 16mm or 35mm roll film, jackets
or aperture cards.
Our image capture facility offers scanning
and indexing solutions for large format engineering and architectural
drawings up to 50" wide.
Our Contex large format scanners provides superior scanning quality
for all your as-built and legacy documents and drawings.Scanned images
can be converted to most any file format, including tif, pdf, group4
and CAD compatible at whatever dpi is necessary.
MICROFILMING (16mm & 35mm)
Microfilm remains a low cost, effecient way to store paper documents
for long term archival. From checks to engineering drawings, we can
provide 16mm and 35mm microfilm in either microfiche jacket, roll,
or aperture card format.
The Data Image Group offers complete microfilm processing and duplication
services. Our processing lab can handle any length, style or brand
of microfilm.Our quality control standards assures the consistency
of images that customers demand.To the customer that needs backup
or security copies of their original microfilm rolls, diazo duplicates
are an inexpensive method of multiple user distribution
Computer Output Microfiche (COM) remains the most cost effective way
of archiving, mass duplicating and distributing computer generated
reports. COM can be produced from most any media including magnetic
tape, DAT tape, and CD-ROM or direct transmission, FTP or attachment
to an e-mail.